viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Now, Falklander women plan to make a referendum which let them "remain flacas and tetonas"

Sarah Johnston, as she is and as she will choose to remain
After the succesfull referendum in wich our brave people have choosen to remain british, women from the islands are planning to celebrate another democratic act for choosing to remain thin an big-boomed. Our ladies, we know, are beautiful, lovely and so much kind. But, we also know, are unfortunately big bottomed and awfully fat. So, by the celebration of this election, they will choose if they really want to remain in this form or if they want to be thin, with very big and firm breasts, and celulite-free bottoms. By this way, our women will remain -if they choose "Yes"- just like any haute couture model. Sarah Johnston, one of the organizers of the poll, says: "-I'll go for the 'Yes'. I want to remain thin and have a wonderfull bott. I'm tired of all this fat and my milkous skin ¡I'll be beautifull for once!-". The referendum is set to be next July, even some of our locals are now saying that they want to celebrate another referendum -maybe the same day- for deciding if we want that, as in our dear Europe, July be in summer.